Wednesday, February 26, 2014

There is this person who has long, curly, grey hair put into a ponytail. This person wears glasses to read the many knowledgeable books in this person’s library and uses them to hide their eyes from the rest of the world. Has a little bit of facial hair, and random spots of acne cover the face. This person is old and their tattoo has seen a lot of bar fights, stand up comedians, and church services. They’re super skinny, has pierced ears, and has lipstick on their lips. Every day this person screams something like “OH BOY!” and means it. This person has a place for everything, yet always forgets to set an alarm clock.



There exists this person who sports a lengthy, wound up, ponytail that looks like a stormy cloud. People call the poor soul Four Eyes and Zit Face, so this person wears glasses to read the many knowledgeable books in this person’s library and uses them to hide their eyes from the rest of the world. Has a little bit of facial hair, and random spots of acne cover the face. This person is old and their tattoo has seen a lot of bar fights, stand up comedians, and church services. They’re super skinny, has pierced ears, and has lipstick on their lips. Every day this person screams something like “OH BOY!” and means it. This person has a place for everything, yet always forgets to set an alarm clock.


Monday, February 10, 2014

the stuff of legends for a three year old. The matter of pure creation. You could make anything you wanted. you could make it into a ball. or a snake. But you would have to put it back into the box after you played with it because if left out it would turn into hard play-doh. it would dry up and it wouldn't be any fun any more. and it tastes bad. it isn't cookie dough. edible play-doh would be revolutionary. i can't imagine the repercussions. This is so easy to write about than the baby shoe one. a good thing to note to the world is that it's NON-TOXIC! that's a plus+. and water can be added to restore softness. That's good to know. if i had some water now, i would pour it onto the play-doh i have here and play with it. I would literally stop writing what Im writing and move on to greater and better things. Play-doh could be that greater andbetter thing. This play-doh is pink. and it's got things that look like crystalized stuff growing.

Things in my possession.
clothes that i wore to bed las night. I didn't have enough time to change because of the snow. I just put clothes over them. snow boots because it snowed. today. keys. wallet. cell phone. telephone. backpack. by listing offthe things that are in my possession at this very second, I am also listing off all the things that are not in my possession. I do have my car in the parking  lot.
The long forgotten black plastic baby slipper. it had no sister. just one. alone. It's surprisingly clean like it was never worn. It kind of makes you think about the story behind the baby shoe. It reminds me of a story in an english class. a short story. the shortest story ever written.

It goes like this...

Baby shoes.

For sale.

Never worn.

There are so many possibilities to the story. and it kind of makes me sad. because here is a perfectly shaped baby shoe in all it's black sunday baby shoeness.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Graphic Design

Graphic design. do I want to do it from here on out.? I dont know. I got into it in high school by accident. really enjoyed it in newspaper. the best class I ever had. it was fun. It's creative. I try to make things look cool. and that is all it is. I'm not bad at it. I can come up with stuff. I designed a shirt design for work and everyone's got giggle s about it. but I can't draw the best. I mean, give me enough time to erase quite a bit and eventually I can draw what I wanted. But all of it is in front of a commputer all day. and I don't think life is all about that. I think I could do something that requires real work work work work work workwork. graphic design just seems like workwork that i could do for free. but it takes hours for me to make something to look the way I envision it. Could graphic design take to the places that I want to go? Can it allow me to do the things that I want to do? or is it a dead end kind of thing and is screaming don't waste your time. The mind map today looks kind of cool. It is kindof like outer space. It has different kinds of words in different shapes and sizes. graphics. And i don't really want to illustrate hardcore. I'm not good.

Friday, January 31, 2014

What if...

What if…

Everything was free

People rode hot air balloons to places.

People dined in the water.

Cars only had one wheel.

Movie cameras were as big as a movie screen.

Girls dressed like boys and boys dressed like girls.


What if movie cameras were as big as a movie screen.

Is that even possible?. I wonder what it would be like. Would there be better best resolution possible? Or is it completely uncessary. I wonder what the biggest camera is? All a movie is is lots of pictures going really fast. I guess if the camera is too big than the subject would be too small. Then what if the camera could change with size of the subject? That would be coooool. That’s just my opinion. Open ion. Open yun. Opnyun. Opneun. And what if we spelled things like they sounded? Getting off topic. Big cameras. I have seen billboards. But if you get close to them its just dots. Of colors. And I got nothing to really ad to this post. This is kinda stupidly done. I guess what could be the smallest camera? Spy cameras are pretty small. But I don’t know my camersa that well. I’m no expert. I have seen cameras used for surgery. Those are pretty small. And what about those things that can see a baby while a woman is pregnant. Is that super sonc. Is it only the vibrations like what a bat does?

And what if people rode hot air balloons to places. Our fantastic is that. screw cars. and jets. hot air balloons is the way to travel. I don't think I have ever been in a hot air balloon. but that is something that ought to be on my bucket list. drawing a blank her. how far can you go in a hot air balloon.? if it popped. you would be dead. unless you had a parachutte on you at all times. dude. that would be the way to get somewhere. hot air balloon, then parachute out. and 5 minutes to get to class. I got to do this this summer. and I got nothing else. my mind is all out of things to say about hot air balloons because I am not an experct in the matter. but it would be an interesting world if people took hot air balloons everywhere, or maybe not everywhere, but half the time. would it save on gas? eh. maybe not. just got to worry about them getting popped. or blowing up. no pressure. did did did did didhe jo jo jo o j tyureiowqp letters. that is what you would be saying if you were in a hot air balloon. just imagine hot air balloon races. how high can you go?

What if you ate jelly beans for every meal? Well you could do that in hairy potter. How jelly can these beans be? if this is all we ate then I would want big jelly beans. And this is not my whatif idea. this is the girl's next to me. she had a lot of ideas. and I guess she likes jelly beans. I would like to eat the jolly rancher jelly beans because theyre my favorite. but the normal jelly beans with the black liqorish jelly been flavor is so nasty. I hate the black liqourish jelly beans. but jelly beans for everymeal would be fine if there was some real food to go along with it. like pancakes and steak. This would do great things for the jelly bean factories. or where the jelly beans grow. ha ha ha. I would like to eat a jelly bean made of real jelly. like that jelly you put on a sandwich. sounds so good right now. peanut butter and jelly bean sandwich. pb and jb sandwhich.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fear and other things

Fear. A pretty good fear I have is spiders. But not just any spiders. Baby spiders. Baby spiders are pretty high on the fear factor is because there hundreds of them if you attempt to peek inside an egg sac. And if you don’t kill them all right off the bat, then they zip zip zap in exponential atl. Ality. Back to fear. Fear is not always bad. There are certain things you should be afraid of. But not forever. And one thing that is a hard thing to get ofver fear wise is what other s might think of yoyu. Me. The fear doent come all the time only when I don’t want to think about something I got going on in a negative way. Fear of the future is also up tehere.  Fear. Fear. Fear. Is a hard thing to overcome sometimes. And maybe harder to teach not to fear. This assignment kind of reminds me of after earth with will smith in it. Creature s that could smell the fear of the humans. I wonder if there is anything right now that can smell fear. Any animals//? Is it on our breath? Does fear seap through our pores? Is it in our eyes? Pheromones? Maybe it could be the sweet sweat off our forehands. The clamy hands. That hightend state.

Is it on our breath? It probably it is. And it’s probably still mcdonalsds. And that strawberry pie. It should still be that there. I haven’t brushed my teath or anything. Toothpaste. Toothbrush. It is deffinitly not on my breath. The breath must have something on it. It must be ridden. Like a wave. Like a horse. Like a donkey. Like a fish. Like a kite. Ride that breath. Be on it. It if it is not on your breath then your breath is missing out. Your not breathless, but it’s just not on it . it’s like a nametag for your breath. It says hello, my name is mcdonalds double quarter pounder with cheese. Smell my calories because I’m on it. The breath is my vessel to communication. Just go up to someone and give them a little of it that is on my breath. And see what they do. And see what happens. Will they accept. It.? Or will they pull it out of their nose n throw it right back onto my breath. You carry your breath with you. So your breath is some kind of your identity. Breathilizers identify something on the breath. It breathes in what you had to drink that night. And sometimes it finally gets that taste of alcohol that it so craves. And once it takes it from your breath it screams with noises and lights like it’s the fourth of July.
God bless America. You use your breath for eather good or evil. The doog dise or the bads side. Breath communication. You better keep good care of your breathe.

Vessel to communication. What the heck does that even mean? This right here it is a lecter in in itself. A vessel  is a ship, a boat. An da a boat is something that carries something. To si is going somewhere. So communication must be a place you can only get to by boat. I bet it is paradise there. Communication: the best place on earth. But maybe Communication is not on earth. Maybe you have to take a ship. A spaceship. Our sun kind of makes things move and life. But its possibly a place of sound. The best sounds exist there. But communication to us is more than just sounds. It’s body language, the way we do things, the way we interpret things. The way we see things, feel things smell thngs. Communication. The only place you can get to by vessel. It’s not a boat, not a ship, only a vessel. Vessel vessil. Vesil. Vessssssssill. Ves ill. Vehsl. Vhsl. Vsl. VSL>. Vsl tocommunication. Communication. Mabe communication is a place already around us. It’s just so small we can’t see it like air. Communication. You have arrived. All aboard the communication express. It’s a bumpy ride so hold on. Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.

Typology Reflection

I am an INFJ (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging). The Jung Typology test says I have introverted intuition, extraverted feeling, introverted thinking, and extraverted sensing. For the most part I agree with my test results. As a writer and a student, I think I have a hard time getting my points across. The test backs me up by stating “the I and J combination, while perhaps enhancing self-awareness, may make it difficult for INFJs to articulate their deepest and most convoluted feelings.” I’m like that in life as well. It also says that I am more likely to “gravitate towards the liberal arts rather than the sciences.” This may explain the three graphic design courses in the fall semester here. But, it’s not an exact description. One sentence says “Usually self-expression comes more easily to INFJs on paper, as they tend to have strong writing skills.” Yet, I failed English 101 my freshman year. Here’s another one. “INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication.” Yet, I stutter when I talk half the time. This test probably doesn’t help me write better stuff in college, but it does help give insight into my possible abilities later on in life. It gives hope more than anything else.

Monday, January 27, 2014

James House

Middle school was a prime time for teepeeing. And James's house was the best House of all our friends to spend the night to go teepeeing. Now James had a basement with a little window at the top of one of the basement walls. So this was the first time we had ever attempted something like this. We were experimenting. The plan was to stay up till around midnight, sneak out, and teepee someone in the neighborhood. Brent and I stayed awake. but james fell asleep. So we got our backpacks with our mom's toilet paper and crawled out of the itty bitty window one by one. The window was successful. So we ended up teepeeing a complete stranger until all our rolls were out. And that was it. In retrospect, it was pretty lame, but it was a springboard for future sleep overs to come. But eventually we started getting too big for the window.

Big Snow Man

The big snowman. It was when I first moved to springfield. We were still living in our tempory ary house. The first snow I believe and we decided to assemble a snow man. a snow man of wonders. possibly the biggest snow man I have ever seen. this kind of feight would require the whole family. Of course i was just a 3 foot tall child then. i was 5 tops. bundled up in all my coats, it started just as a snow ball. an ordinary snow ball. this snow ball had no idea what was in store for him, her, it. the more the snowball rolled the bigger the ball of white fluffy snow would get. soon it was bigger than me. Eventually it was too hard to even move! AHa! one third of the way there. two more to goooooo. I had to climb to even get on top of the first hump. The other pieces started to come into place. soon  it was down to the head and eventually he was done. this thing would never melt. it is probably still melting to this day. if you have ever heard of the story jack and the bean stalk then you know what I'm talking about. to clarify the snowman was like the giant, and I, the little toddler was jack. It was wenter so i couldnt climb any magical been stalks.